Eckerd Athletics Toolkit

Thank you for signing up to be an ambassador for the Eckerd Tritons!  Please consider using this toolkit and the resources below to help spread the word.  Every #TritonFamilyChallenge post and email you share throughout the month of November will help contribute to the success of the day. 

Also, make sure to follow Eckerd Athletics and Eckerd Alumni accounts on social media and share/re-tweet posts. 

  Eckerd Athletics and Eckerd College Alumni Network

  @ECTritons and @EckerdAlumni

  @EckerdTritons and @EckerdTritonClub

Downloadable Goodies


Sample Social Media Posts

Easy to copy, paste, and personalize!

Sample Tweets

  • This month is the #TritonFamilyChallenge! Let's all accept the challenge as a family and give back to your favorite Triton team today. Visit [link to your teams page] to learn more. #familyonthree

  • #familyonthree is more than just a game time chant, it's a life long motto! Join me in the #TritonFamilyChallenge at [link to your teams page] to help support the Tritons in their quest for on and off the field excellence. 

  • Participation is all that matters in the #TritonFamilyChallenge. Add your name to the roster by showing up for your Triton Family at [link to your teams page]. Thanks for accepting the challenge with me and as always, #familyonthree !

  • The month of November is the #TritonFamilyChallenge! Join me in being a part of the Family by adding yourself to the roster at [link to your teams page] and showing your Tritons you care! #familyonthree

  • The #TritonFamilyChallenge has launched! Visit [link to your teams page] to show your support for the [sport] team and help us unlock $25,000! #familyonthree

Sample Facebook and LinkedIn Posts

  • I'm proud to be a part of the Eckerd College Triton Family and invite you to join me by making a gift today! This month is the #TritonFamilyChallenge, where participation is what matters the most in unlocking $25,000! Help Eckerd soar to greater heights by visiting [link to your teams page]. 

  • My time of being a Triton was one of the best experiences of my life. I'm excited to participate in the #TritonFamilyChallenge to ensure the experience I had is accessible to current and future Tritons! Join me in making a difference today at [link to your teams page].

  • #familyonthree is an important part of every Triton competition. During the month of November it has even greater meaning. This November is the #TritonFamilyChallenge, a time when we really together to meet the challenge of our anonymous donor to better athletic programs at Eckerd. Join the Triton Family by adding your name to the roster to unlock $25,000 today! Visit [link to your teams page]

  • To me, being a Trion means more than competition or winning, it also means family. Help support my team, [insert team], by participating in the #TritonFamilyChallenge at [link to your teams page] by making a gift today. Your gift could help us unlock $25,000 for the Tritons! Thank you for helping us better our programs and opportunities! #familyonthree

LinkedIn tip:

Consider using LinkedIn to share the story of how Athletics at Eckerd College prepared you for a successful career. Highlight unique opportunities and hands-on learning experiences that were afforded to you as a student-athlete. Don’t forget to use #TritonFamilyChallenge in your post!

    Join us in celebrating #TritonFamilyChallenge on Instagram!

    Use Instagram to share your personal Eckerd Athletics story (via posts, reels or Instagram stories) to inspire others to give!  Here's some inspiration to get you started:

    • How Eckerd College helped shape you into the person you are today
    • A story of being in the Triton family
    • A game day success
    • Ways that you were positively impacted by your time as a student athlete
    • A funny coach moment
    • Faculty or staff that influenced you
    • How you met your significant other as a Triton
    • How the athletics department at Eckerd influenced your life
    • Your favorite gameday memory 
    • How you hope to impact future Tritons by participating in the challenge
    • Your favorite Triton sport or gameday to attend 
    • Which Triton team you are helping succeed

    Don't forget to add #TritonFamilyChallenge to your post on all social platforms! 

    Sample Email Messages

    Copy, paste and send the email messages below to your Eckerd Athletic friends and networks!

    To: A fellow Triton

    Subject: Join me in the Challenge!

    Hi [recipient's first name],

    This November is the Triton Family Challenge. As you and I know, the Eckerd College Tritons have a history of making a splash on and off the field! This is why I have decided to add my name to the roster for this challenge by making a gift to help Eckerd Athletics unlock $25,000. Participation from 300 donors unlocks this gift form an anonymous donor, meaning a gift from you and I of any size is what counts the most! I want to ensure that current and future Tritons have access to opportunities we had and more. I hope to see your name there! And remember, family on three! 

    [insert link to your teams page]


    [your name]

    To: A Triton friend or family member

    Subject: Help the Tritons unlock $25,000 in the Triton Family Challenge

    Hi [recipient's first name],

    This month, the Eckerd College Tritons are hosting an athletics wide challenge benefitting every Triton team with the potential of unlocking an additional $25,000 from an anonymous donor! In this challenge, all that matters is that you participate at any level. Participation from 300 donors unlocks this extra gift, so every name counts! To add your name to the roster and help the Tritons reach their goal, visit [link to your teams page]. Can we count on you to be a part of the family? 

    Thank you for considering and making important opportunities available to Eckerd athletes!


    [your name]